Monday, May 18, 2015

Despicable Miiinion....... a life lesson

      Hello everyone, I know it has been a looooooong time. Not to worry, the good news is that Shi Shi's Creations has been super busy the last year and business has grown.
  If you can recollect your childhood days. What was one of the questions your parents would ask? a) what would you like for your birthday (of course) b)What would you like for your birthday cake? and most of time we would always want it to be in the shape of our latest favorite cartoon/movie character.So every year your parent would go through this cycle to figure out what you would like.  In March 2014, I was approached by a father wanting a Minion cake for his son.
 If you ask yourself the question 'what is a Minion', I would highly recommend, that you go to your local DVD rental shop and grab a copy of Despicable Me 1 & 2. This is one movie that will entertain people of all ages. I even caught my big tough father having a good laugh watching the movie ;) 
   The cake was very simple. It was a rectangular vanilla sponge with a Minion on top decorated with buttercream icing. A very simple cake indeed but like every person I meet through my cake making, this father taught me the importance of giving to others. Every year for his children’s birthdays, his family chose to celebrate the day by providing a meal to a children’s orphanage and only cutting a cake at home with the family. He wanted to teach his children how important it is to remember those less fortunate to us.

   It made think how important whilst being successful in life to also share that success with others that are in need. Thank you to that specific father [you know who you are ;-) ] for a great a lesson and another creations to add to my collection.



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